Chassis Setup Equipment

Below are short descriptions of our best-sellers. To learn more information about a specific product, simply click the "Learn More" button in each caption.

Triple Laser Alignment System

This tool lets you set individual toe in and toe out angles for each side of the Race Car. Unlike most other systems, you are setting the toe angles tot he Race Car's center line to provide consistent and accurate results that will show on the track.

Digital Camber Caster Gauge


This gauge allows you to take quick, accurate camber AND caster measurements. This tool gives you your measurements in just seconds making it perfect for  the quick pit lane thrash or setting up your car in the shop.



Toe In, Toe Out Alignment Gauge

The Toe In, Toe Out Laser Alignment Gauge can measure race car, kart, and race truck toe down to .004", giving you a precise racing set up. Unlike other gauges on the market, our tool can measure both Toe In AND Toe Out. This system is a perfect match for our Digital Camber Caster Gauge.